
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Impact of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis: More Than Just a Cough. Affecting millions of people, tuberculosis is still not over. Once a person gets diagnosed with tuberculosis, apart from taking a devastating toll physically, it creates stigma, discrimination, misunderstanding, and gossip around the person. In this blog, let’s dig into the stigma surrounding it and what the patient care service in Bangalore has to say about it. So let’s begin with what tuberculosis is. It is a type of serious illness caused by a type of bacteria that affects the lungs. It is a contagious bacteria that can spread when a person coughs, as the tiny droplets can spread in the air and enter the other person’s lungs. These can also easily affect those who have weakened immune systems. Even though some antibiotic drugs can cure it, some forms of bacteria may not respond to treatments.  But once affected, eventually, they are surrounded by lots of stigma. They may be rejected by their own family and friends, face social isolation, and lo


As women age, hormonal balance is vital for overall health as the body goes through changes, especially during the menopause period. Menopause marks the end of the reproductive phase, typically occurring in the late 40s or early 50s. As they enter the phase of menopause, the oestrogen and progesterone levels decline, which results in certain issues like mood swings, weight gain, sleep disturbances, hot flashes, etc. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can support them, including seeking professional assistance from home care nursing services . These services can provide personalised care and support to address unique challenges by: Educate and create awareness: Not many know about how hormonal balance can affect women’s health. Healthcare providers educate and counsel elderly women and their families about how hormones can navigate changes in women’s health and how they can be balanced.  Comprehensive assessment: As women’s health is unique from one another, it is important to go