
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to Spot Concerns in Seniors' Mental Health and Obtain the Help They Need

  How to Spot Concerns in Seniors' Mental Health and Obtain the Help They Need Two-thirds of older people who have mental disorders sadly do not obtain treatment for their illnesses. Mental illnesses that go untreated can worsen general health, raise health care expenses, cause disability or impairment, lower quality of life, increase caregiver stress, increase suicide risk, and even cause death. For these reasons, it's critical to understand the symptoms and risk factors of sadness and anxiety, as well as how to get your elderly loved one therapy. Keep reading the blog to be aware of and spot the mental health concerns of seniors. Elderly citizens with depression: According to a report published by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and the Healthy Aging Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression is the most common mental disease among seniors. Seniors who suffer from depression may find it challenging to get therapy and may develo

A Guide for Caregivers on how to help the Elderly deal with stress

  A Guide for Caregivers on How to Help the Elderly Deal with Stress Let's define stress first before discussing how to manage it. Stress is your body's reaction to a circumstance that calls for action. Stress is just how you respond to difficult or dangerous circumstances. According to Wikipedia, "stressors" are defined as "a chemical or biological substance, environmental state, external stimulation, or an event viewed as generating stress to an individual" and are the root of all stress. Anything that a person would find demanding, difficult, or dangerous to anyone's safety might be considered a stressor. The "control tower" in your brain, the hypothalamus, signals your body to release the stress hormones adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine in reaction to stress. These hormones speed up your heart rate, raise your blood pressure, and enhance your energy levels. As a result, you enter "fight or flight" mode and are prepared to