
Showing posts from October, 2019

Can Homes Be Made Infection Proof?

Nowadays, there’s a lot of talk about superbugs in hospitals and how patients who have had surgery or treatment in super specialty hospitals end up going back with drug resistant illnesses. And yet, people worry far more about going home to recover post-surgery. There’s no reason to do so, providing proper care is taken to provide a hygienic and sanitized environment. Family and friends can make the patient’s recovery at home a lot easier if he and his family take a little time to plan ahead. Ask the doctor what needs to be done while the patient is healing, and get help from friends and family to prepare his living area. Surgery is a very big deal. Sometimes it can sap the patient’s energy for days or weeks afterward. Family caregivers may be able to help, or the patient might need a health care professional. Make arrangements in advance if the surgeon suggests getting a nurse, physical therapist, or health aide. Quality home health care can be provided by IHHC 24/7. Sanitizing t

How To Cook For Seniors?

How To Plan Healthy Meals That Are Interesting And Exciting? Can you look forward to tasty, healthy food at 60+? As we grow older we tend to get very picky about food. To start with, our appetites decrease with age due to a marked drop in physical activities. We find that our digestive systems are no longer capable of ingesting and digesting all sorts of foods. We are more likely to experience a variety of ailments – ranging from gastric ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome to flatulence, acidity and indigestion. Quite often, you’ll find that your sense of taste and smell get weaker as you age – leaving you unable to enjoy a whole host of flavors. Dental issues prevent you from chewing food properly, leading to yet more problems with the digestive system. But as you grow older, it’s imperative that you get the correct balance of nutritious food to ensure your physical, mental and emotional well being. Food that will not interfere or in any way interact negatively with medications t